Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What's to come

Just as a start up for this blog here is what I normally draw. Sorry for the bad quality I have yet to connect my scanner to my computer.

  This is Taran Northwoode and her demonic guardian Zuccon. She is the personal servant to the Grim Reaper and the protagonist to my story called Haunted Circus: Jester.

 This is my cartoon self with my full proof art block destroyer: Blobbert. He is nothing really special just a highly curious blob that loves to explore.

This is two characters named Wanita and Lucas. They're a young couple out for a date.

As always criticism is appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. I love your very creative names. I haven't seen all of these before, and I am loving them now! Good job! Can't wait to see more!
